aroma candles and pillows
decorated with photo print technique

designed to reflect the morning
peace and balance

earth friendly soy wax
candles with essential oils

designed side by side
with nature

The product line by includes the therapeutic candles with the aroma and light patterns, made from soy wax. They are made to bring the aromas from nature to our everyday lives. When you light a Valhalla candle, made on the basis of natural essential oils, it will come to life. The smell of nature, and the morning photo with see-through design on the candle will work as a therapy of aroma and light patterns, taking you to an inspirational journey between the two worlds.

“A morning is a moment in a day when the dream world is changing, minute by minute, into the conscious reasonable world.”

Terje: “A sort of peace and balance is spreading in the nature at this time. The moments in the early mornings touch you with their freshness, smell and light, and they have grown in my heart, regardless of the weather. Every essence we use will have a different effect. For example, in the design of a candle with the pattern of the tree-tops of pine forests by the windy sea, we have used the essential oil from the Siberian fir. Whilst the scent will take you to pine forest, to the trails covered with morning dew, it will also cleanse the air and heal the respiratory tract.”

Therapeutic candles with aroma and light patterns, made from soy wax. Every essence has a different effect. Choose your favourite one!

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LEMONGRASS, freshness & energy

Smells fresh and like citrus. It creates an atmosphere of positive energy, boosts up your confidence and cools off overwhelming feelings. Lemongrass is antiseptic, relaxing and smoothing, helps you to concentrate and puts you in good humour. It will quickly relieve head-aches, since it improves the blood circulation. The fresh smell of lemongrass gives life energy and helps us to remember that all the choices we have made and all the experience we have had, have made us a whole. And that should be respected and appreciated.

YLANG-YLANG, spirit & sexuality

In Philippines, ylang-ylang is called “the flower of flowers”. Its smell is tender and calming. In Indonesia, ylang-ylang is used in the rituals of the first night of passion of a newlywed couple because its sensual and exciting smell opens the minds and creates an emotional and safe atmosphere. Ylang-ylang is good for the heart because it relieves tachycardia, lowers high blood pressure, regulates adrenaline flow in blood and balances hormonal system. It also helps to transform the negative emotions into positive ones.


LAVENDER, peace & balance

Lavender is called “the mother of essential oils”. It takes care of your body, soul and your spirit, since lavender is thought to bring supporting energies directly from the skies in the fastest possible way. It will open a way to forgiveness, create a good mood and enhance the feeling of self-satisfaction. Its smell is fresh, sweet, and floral. Lavender has a relaxing, antiseptic, pain-killing, intoxicating effect. It stimulates weak immune system, offers a smoothing feeling of peace and consolation if you have lost yourself.

PINE FOREST, clean air & healt

Pine is considered to be a protector of home and a guide to understanding nature because it is one of the oldest herbs. Its smell is clean, fresh, and strong. The essential oil of a pine tree has an antiviral and toning effect, it heals the respiratory tract. The smell of pine cleanses the air, its smell has a revitalising and edifying effect. The drops of resin from a pine tree are called teardrops which reflect a healing rainbow. A pine tree is usually planted next to the entrance of the house, in order to bring home happiness and joy.

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